"Allow yourself to still be inspired."

General and Contact Information

If you are interested in being published by us, please read our three package deals below. Then contact us at mistwoodpublishing@gmail.com.

We will discuss which package is best for you. Following this, we will ask to read your Work (your book). Then we will read it promptly and decide if we are willing to publish it.

If an agreement is reached, the author and Mistwood Publishing will sign a contract.

All packages give exclusive rights to sell and produce your Work to Mistwood Publishing for the full term of your contract. Authors have greater freedom with their Work at Mistwood, but the right to sell and produce remains with Mistwood Publishing unless otherwise specified in contract.



L ø n n   P a c k a g e

Description: The Lønn Package is for those who are wanting to go the more traditional self-publishing route. This package puts greater investment on the author but leads to a greater percent of returns in royalties if the book does well.

Includes client cost fundraiser

Cost paid by client: $7,000

Includes: Client cost fundraiser, content and line editing, document formatting, cover illustration, cover graphic design, printing, and sales/marketing.

Author receives 60% of all royalties


V a l n ø t t   P a c k a g e

Description: The V a l n ø t t Package is for those who are wanting to go the true middle path to publishing. This package puts equal investment on the author and publisher and gives an equal percent of profit-royalties earned by the sale of the book.

Includes client cost fundraiser

Cost paid by client: $5,000

Includes: Client cost fundraiser, content and line editing, document formatting, cover illustration, cover graphic design, printing, and sales/marketing.

Author receives 40% of all royalties


E i k   Pa c k a g e

Description: The Eik Package is for those who are wanting to go the more traditional New York style publishing route. This package puts greater investment on the Publisher and leads to smaller percent in royalties to the author.

Does not include client cost fundraiser

Cost paid by client: $2,500

Includes: Content and line editing, document formatting, cover illustration, cover graphic design, printing, and sales/marketing.

Author receives 20% of all royalties